It's time for Mahjong solitaire. Computer versions of Mahjong solitaire have been around for a while. Like most, the goal is to remove all tiles on the board in pairs. Only tiles with one long edge not touching another tile is free to be used in matches.
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XSol (1987)
An early Klondike solitaire implementation for the X Window System.
XMille (1987)
XMille is an implementation of the Mille Bornes racing card game. This implementation is played single player against a computer opponent. The card art is somewhat simple, but provides generally clear information on which card is which. Play is quite brisk, though is missing something without a human opponent.
Old X Games
So I've been recently submitting a variety of old X games to Mobygames, and figured I may as well document them here too, since it is my web site after all. Most of the games I will be posted were discovered when messing around with Caledra OpenLinux 1.3, though …
Arduboy Joystick and Remote Firmware
Two firmware projects for the Arduboy open-source gaming hardware: Remote firmware to control the keyboard and display text on the screen, and Joystick firmware to act as a USB joystick.
Basic Joystick Arduino Library
A basic joystick library for Arduino devices to act as an HID joystick,
Motor Glory
A CGA stealth/action game for MS-DOS.
Randwp: Random Wallpaper Selection Tool for DOS/Win 3.1/Win 9x
Randwp is a simple tool for selecting a random JPEG wallpaper from a folder and writing it in BMP format to a destination path. It is an extended DOS executable, and can be used in DOS or anything compatible.
Taking X11 Screenshots (on any distro)
Every so often I mess with [old Linux distros]( or BSDs and do not always have one of the modern screenshot tools available.
Enter xwd. This tool will dump an X11 window (or the root window) to a file for later viewing.
To dump a …
Ultima VIII Pagan Maps
Pixel maps for Ultima VIII: Pagan
Logitech Trackman Portable Review
A review of the TrackMan Portable Mouse produced by Logitech for use with notebook computers.
Zoltrix Z-Boxer Review (USB and Gameport versions)
A review of a pair of gamepads produced sometime in the 90s by Zoltris, both referred to as the Z-Boxer.
PHP Intelligent Redirector
A PHP script that can redirect from any page in a previous site design to the equivalent page in the new design.
Olimex Teres A64 Review
A review of the Teres A64 DIY-Laptop from Olimex.
Disk Benchmarking Script
This script exists to serve a simple purpose: benchmark a disk and store the results in an easy-to-use CSV format. The script will write and read a variety of block sizes to the specified location, which will gather similar statistics to the ATTO Disk Benchmark tool on Windows. The maximum …
Anago (Kazzo board utility) Linux Port
This is a port of anago command-line NES and Famciom cartridge dumping utility for the kazzo interface board, which was previously part of the unagi project. The existing project was designed to support Windows primarily, though it was almost compatible with Linux, with some included porting notes. I've completed the …
Teensy-based XInput Arcade Stick
A SNES and PC-USB (XInput) Arcade stick using the Teensy-LC
Sega Genesis/Master System to USB Converter
A converter from Sega Genesis, Sega Master System or Atari/C64/other 8-bit joysticks to USB using a Teensy 2.0.
Automatic .desktop launcher generation Python library
Python library to automatically generate .desktop launchers for games.
Jazz Jackrabbit Mapper
To create the most recent Jazz Jackrabbit maps, I leverged and then horribly mangled the code from the OpenJazz project. This post provides downloads for my patch, the resultant source code, and a brief description on how to use it and what I did.
jazzmapper.patch (8.4 kb …
Holiday Hare '95 Maps
Pixel maps for Jazz Jackrabbit, Holiday Hare '95.
Jazz Jackrabbit (CD Edition) Maps
Pixel maps for Jazz Jackrabbit (CD Edition)
Sega Genesis to Gameport Converter
A converter from Sega Genesis, Sega Master System or Atari/C64/other 8-bit joysticks to Gameport using an Arduino Pro Mini.
Sega Genesis Arcade Stick
A 3-button Genesis Arcade joystick using the same circuit as the official controller.
Super Mario Maker Courses
A listing of my courses for Super Mario Maker on the Wii U.
Arduino Leonardo Custom Joystick
My first custom arcade joystick, supporting PC-USB and SNES, using a Arduino Leonardo.
Why won't my unofficial SNES adaptor work with Super Gameboy?
So recently I made myself a custom SNES Joystick. I'll be posting about that later, but I noticed that it wouldn't work with the Super Gameboy, despite working with other SNES games. I also noticed that my third-party PS2 to SNES adaptor as well as my NES to SNES adaptor …
Image Gallery Script
This is a script I wrote to generate an image gallery HTML file for a given folder, or for the Steam Screenshots folder. It will, by default, show the full resolution original image, so it can be useful for browsing a folder of moderate-sized images without having to rely on …
Steam Image Scripts
After finding most instructions for downloading Steam grid view images to be out-of-date, and same goes for the only grid view downloader I could find, I wrote my own.
I also put together a quick library that can create a dictionary of Steam applications on a given profile based on …
Convert Midi script
Converts all mid files in a path to WAV.