I finally decided to post my current granola bar recipe, as it has shifted quite a bit since the earlier one I posted way back in 2013. As before, any dried fruit can be substited just fine, and any combination of oats, nuts and grains should work with a similar total volume.
This recipe is about the right size to fill a 13" x 9.5" (33 cm x 24 cm) baking pan.
Quantity | Ingredient |
3 cups | Rolled (Large Flake) Oats |
1/2 cup | Almonds |
1/2 cup | Cashews |
1/2 cup | Pumpkin Seeds |
1/2 cup | Coconut |
1 1/2 cups | Dried Apricots |
1 1/2 cup | Skim Milk or just Water |
4 tbsp | Arrowroot Starch/Cornstarch |
1/4 cup | Maple Syrup/Honey or 2.5 tbsp Brown/Maple Sugar |
- Preheat oven to 300 F (150 C)
- Add Almonds, Cashews and Apricots into the chopping attachment for a food processor and chop to a reasonable size
- In a bowl, mix the rolled oats, pumpkin seeds, food processor output and coconut.
- Measure the water or milk and keep in the measuring cup
- Add the sweetener to the liquid, using displacement to confirm that 1/4 cup is added
- Add the arrowroot/cornstarch to the liquid and still keep in the measuring cup. Stir until consistently mixed.
- Heat a large frying pan/stir fry pan on the stovetop at high heat, then add the starch/liquid/sweetner mixture. Stir and wait until the mixture is a consistent gel.
- Add granola mixture from the bowl and mix until evenly coated. Scoop onto a baking sheet, and flatten/shape as desired.
- Bake for approximately 20 minutes.
- Take out to cool, then cut to desired size.
For cutting, I find using a flat spatula to unstick from the pan, then flipping onto a cutting board works best.