A how-to on assembling an Ultimarc SpinTrak into a PC USB controller
Articles in the Hardware category
Teensy-based XInput Arcade Stick
A SNES and PC-USB (XInput) Arcade stick using the Teensy-LC
Sega Genesis/Master System to USB Converter
A converter from Sega Genesis, Sega Master System or Atari/C64/other 8-bit joysticks to USB using a Teensy 2.0.
Sega Genesis to Gameport Converter
A converter from Sega Genesis, Sega Master System or Atari/C64/other 8-bit joysticks to Gameport using an Arduino Pro Mini.
Sega Genesis Arcade Stick
A 3-button Genesis Arcade joystick using the same circuit as the official controller.
Arduino Leonardo Custom Joystick
My first custom arcade joystick, supporting PC-USB and SNES, using a Arduino Leonardo.